Hi there :) So you decided to come read a little bit more about me ~ huh?
Or did you just want to see what I look like?? Well you have to read a bit
or then again I guess you can just scroll on down if you want.
I guess the first thing I should tell you is that I really consider myself just
to be your everyday normal, average, typical woman. I live in Southwestern
Pennsylvania, with my two children ~ who also have a poem within these pages
:) They are the greatest gifts that I have ever been blessed with.
Living with us also, are our two pets: Bandit, who is a shepherd/husky mix
~ and if I say so myself the perfect dog; and our newest addition is Delilah, a
wonderfully sweet tiger looking kitten.
Some of the things that I enjoy most are ~
reading, which I contribute to both my parents and my grandmother, who
bestowed upon me the love of books. Within them you can lose yourself in
another world, experience new adventures, or gain knowledge to that which piques
your interests. To me ~ books are written treasures.
as music is also ~ the
lyrics and rhythm can alter your moods and emotions. It can relax or
revitalize you; maybe take you back to your first kiss; your first dance; your
first love; keeping memories of our past ~ alive inside of us.
then there is the visual
artwork ~ whether looking at a painting, photograph, drawing, etc.
To be able gaze upon an image ~ see the passion, destruction, love, or hate; to
be able to feel the pain, frustration, joy, happiness, love ~ making us aware
of who we are ~ and what we are capable of being or doing.
Since these things can reach deep inside of
me, it is only natural for me to want to try an express myself in some of these
forms of creativity. The only ones I have found so far that I have fun
with the most are writing these poems and some visual artwork ~ though I have
still yet to master that on this wonderful computer ~ so for now it consists of
painting sweatshirts for my friends and family. So with that in mind, I do
not promise you greatness within these poems, but I do hope that you have fun
reading them and that you enjoyed your time here in what is 'my little corner of
the internet'.
Dlioness |
Male Cub |
Female Cub |

waiting for her picture to be developed |
Bandit |
Delilah |
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