Soar With Me
Come my love an soar with me,
To the ends of the world an back again.
Crossing the oceans, lakes, an seas;
Deserts, forests, valleys an mountains.
Come my love an soar with me.
Come my love an soar with me,
As the sun rises in the east, an sets in the west.
The flowers, birds, bees an trees,
To see these with you is my life’s quest.
Come my love an soar with me.
Come my love an soar with me,
By each others sides forevermore.
I pledge my love throughout eternity,
It is written by destiny, I am sure.
Come my love an soar with me.
to Soar With Me
To soar with you forevermore,
What mortal man could ask for more.
Fly so high and far away,
To stay with you I’ll fly each day.
To follow you both east and west,
Would be your lovers’ only quest.
Let me stay within your sight,
To nest in closeness every night.
Nevermore to fly apart,
You’ve had my love from very start.
To you I give my all, my love,
My wife, my lover, my turtle dove.
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